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The Official Site of the Hub City Spartanburgers Hub City Spartanburgers

Our Mission

Our Name & Brand

Why Hub City?

Hub City is the primary and most utilized nickname for Spartanburg. The reason Spartanburg was nicknamed Hub City is directly tied to the rail industry and the importance it played for Spartanburg as a community. In the late 1800's, there were seven rail lines running into & out of the center of Spartanburg. This made Spartanburg a true hub for transportation of goods & people across the Southeast and the country.

One of the reasons we chose Hub City for our name is because we are proud of the history that the railroad played in establishing Spartanburg, and we want to share that history and those stories with our local & non-local guests/fans/followers. Beyond that, Spartanburg is experiencing amazing growth with an influx of new residents to the Upstate area, and we hope that we can build a baseball & entertainment experience that attracts people to downtown Spartanburg. Fifth Third Park will be new Hub of Hub City!

Why Spartanburgers?

Like with Hub City, there were multiple reasons & layers as to why Spartanburgers was the perfect name for us! The best way to explain our #1 reason is to answer the question, "What is a Spartanburger?". Similar to someone from Texas calling themselves a Texan or someone from New York saying they are a New Yorker, a person that calls Spartanburg home is a Spartanburger, and a group of people from Spartanburg are Spartanburgers. We couldn't think of a more appropriate name than to call ourselves the thing that we are most proud to be, and that is SPARTANBURGERS!

Beyond that, we do also get to enjoy the fact that by adding 'er' to Spartanburg you get SpartanBURGER, hence the food theme to our brand. Yes, this is very "minor league" and a bit tongue in cheek, but it also has connection to the food history of Spartanburg. This history includes the many well-known food establishments that continue to operate in and around Spartanburg, many featuring amazing burgers, as well as a major employer, Spartan Foods, that operated for many years out of Spartanburg, and the fact that Denny's, aka America's Diner, has their HQ in downtown Spartanburg.

Our Experience