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Drive Celebrating Military Appreciation Day on Sunday

Military veterans and organizations will be recognized throughout the game
July 1, 2015

Following July 4th, the Drive will keep with the patriotic theme on Sunday, July 5th as we celebrate Military Appreciation Day at Fluor Field at 4:05 PM.  Join us as we salute the many courageous military veterans who will be part of the day's festivities and give thanks to the organizations who provide assistance to those veterans.

The pregame ceremonies will feature military veteran recognition, the US Army Special Forces Parachute team and a Warbirds vintage aircraft flyover. A Purple Heart ceremony and a Bronze Star presentation highlights the between-innings entertainment, which also features an Armed Forces medley, veterans and their children participating in games, activities and much more.

The Sunday tradition of BlueCross BlueShield Kids Run the Bases continues following the game against the Savannah Sand Gnats.

To purchase tickets, stop by the Main Street Box Office, call (864) 240-4528 or log onto Go Drive!