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66ers Baseball Updated Facility Rental Guidelines

January 22, 2021

Youth organizations continue to struggle to meet the recreational and psychological needs of the next generation. Current state and county guidelines allow certain youth sports activities to help meet these very real challenges our young athletes face today, while still providing a safe atmosphere for participants and the community. The

Youth organizations continue to struggle to meet the recreational and psychological needs of the next generation. Current state and county guidelines allow certain youth sports activities to help meet these very real challenges our young athletes face today, while still providing a safe atmosphere for participants and the community. The 66ers are committed to our role as ambassadors of baseball and providing an opportunity for young athletes in our community to have this outlet, but only in a setting that is safe.

In our role as managers of San Manuel Stadium, we lease our facility to third party organizations with the understanding that they are equally committed to and compliant with the best-in-class health and safety guidelines we have adopted. The stadium team, in coordination with our lessee’s, are committed to ensuring to check temperatures, requires the wearing of face coverings at all times, limiting attendance to only athletes and guardians, and mandate social distancing for all events. We have dedicated team members who are on site during scheduled events to remind participants of these important safety requirements.

In an effort to ensure all health guidelines are adequately met we have updated our facility rental guidelines. All current and future third-party lessors of the facility will be required to provide a detailed plan of use of the facility to not only our organization but must also provide written correspondence from local regulatory agencies that their plan of use meets current health guidelines for youth sports and adult recreation prior to any future use. This added measure will help ensure that all use of the facility meet current and ever evolving future health guidelines set forth by the state and the county. The confidence of our owners, our sponsors, our community and the participants in this facility remains our highest priority. We look forward to providing sporting events and activities in a safe environment.