Behind the Bases - Episode Two - Meet Casey Borish

Casey Borish, Vice President Ticket Sales, and from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I was working for the Phillies in Community Relations. I was a 50/50 ticket seller, so I stood in one of the booths and sold tickets. That fell under Community Relations for them.

I was applying for jobs everywhere in Community Relations, the Thunder had the office manager job open, which I applied for and I figured, hey, let me start here. 'Foot in the door,' as people like to say. They hired somebody for that, and because I had community relations experience, Chris Foster called me and was like, 'Hey, we have this community relations assistant position open. If you'd want to come in and like interview for it.' So I did. And then the rest is: Here I am. Here I sit.

Probably just creating the experience for the fan. A big part of sales is just listening to what people want. So listening to them and then flipping that and just basically tailor making an event to like what they want to do.

So pre game is whatever the pregame entails, so running around with groups, getting them set like on field. In game, running around on the concourse, suite level, checking in with groups, working fan services. It's nice sometimes to just put a face to like a voice on the phone, if you've talked to somebody for so long. It's nice to see who they are in person.

At the top of section 211, when everything is like calm down and we have a second to breathe, I'll stand there often and I'll just kind of look out. It's really nice to do it when like, you know, the park is packed and just kind of looking around and seeing the organized chaos that it is and knowing that like we created it. It's just like looking out at what we've done.

Looking forward to a fantastic 2024 summer. These guys in the sales department have been working their butts off and you know looking forward to seeing this place packed starting June 4th.