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The Official Site of the Hickory Crawdads Hickory Crawdads

We look forward to welcoming you to LP Frans Stadium! There are some things to know before heading out to a game:

LP Frans Stadium is located at 2500 Clement Blvd NW Hickory, North Carolina 28601.

Clear Bag Policy


-Clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC bags or backpacks

-Diaper or medical bags

-Clutch bags no larger than 5”x9”

Not Permitted:

-Non-clear backpacks, drawstring bags, purses, totes, fanny packs, and camera bags

-Seat cushions with pockets or hidden compartments are not permitted.

Cashless Ballpark

LP Frans Stadium is a cashless facility. Credit/debit cards and Crawdads Cash will be accepted for payment at all concession registers, ticket windows, the GoTeez Locker Room, parking lots, and at the Customer Care Booth. Parking is $5 per vehicle for Crawdads games and varies for other events held at LP Frans Stadium.

Guests who do not carry credit or debit cards can exchange cash for Crawdads Cash at the Advance Ticket Window. Crawdads Cash, the in-stadium currency, can be used at all locations throughout the ballpark.

Additional Stadium Information

Food and Drink

No outside food or beverages are permitted in LP Frans Stadium per Carolina League guidelines. Empty water bottles may be brought in and refilled at the water station inside the stadium. Water fountains are also located on the first and third base side.


Gates open an hour before first pitch (90 minutes for season ticket holders). To accommodate a long giveaway line, gates may open up to 15 minutes early on dates with a gate giveaway.

  • First pitch 11am, gates open at 10am
  • First pitch 12:05pm, gates open at 11:05pm
  • First pitch 5pm, gates open at 4pm
  • First pitch 6pm, gates open at 5pm
  • First pitch 6:30pm, gates open at 5:30pm
  • First pitch 7pm, gates open at 6pm


The Crawdads operate the main parking lot surrounding the stadium and the upper grass lot located before the eastern entrance (entrance closer to 321) to the parking lot. Parking is $5, card only.

Weather Policy

The Crawdads will do everything in their power to play games as scheduled, but weather may alter the schedule. In the event of delays or cancellations, the team will post the most current information on social media. If nothing is posted, the game is on as scheduled but rest assured, we are always monitoring the situation!

What if it does rain out? In the event we are unable to start a game, or four and a half innings are not played, tickets for the rained out game can be exchanged for another game that season (upgrade required for concert dates and the Independence Day Extravaganza). Hold onto the tickets and bring them back to the box office to swap them for your new date.

More Links

Read up on the ballpark A-Z Guide and frequently asked questions as you plan your trip to the Frans!

View a section map of the stadium and single game ticket information.

View directions to the stadium and read about the history of LP Frans Stadium.

The 'Dads offer a variety of ticket options for individuals or groups. Check out all the options and see what's best for you!