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July 20, 2018

The Lookouts had an eight hit night in their win at Mobile 9-2. The extra base hits added up to three home runs, three doubles and a pair of singles. Zander Wiel led the way with a two home run night including an eighth inning grand-slam and five RBI for

The Lookouts had an eight hit night in their win at Mobile 9-2. The extra base hits added up to three home runs, three doubles and a pair of singles. Zander Wiel led the way with a two home run night including an eighth inning grand-slam and five RBI for the evening. Brent Rooker would add his 17th homer of the year in a back to back display with Wiel in the third inning for the initial lead. Sean Poppen picked up the pitching gauntlet in the second inning and had five scattered hits allowed over five plus innings.Mitchell Kranston added two hits while the bullpen worked the last two and two-thirds of the game in the victory. Saturday dietrich Enns goes after his first win of the season while his counterpart, Alex Klonowski is the opposing starter. Air time on and at 96.1 FM is set for 7:50 EDT.