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Exclusive WS Ring Offer for Season Ticket Holders

May 5, 2012
Springfield, MO - Due to the overwhelming success of the Replica World Series Ring Giveaways, the Springfield Cardinals are excited to announce two exclusive ways for Season Ticket Holders to get their hands on this priceless piece of hardware.

The first option is for Season Ticket Holders to renew their season tickets for the 2013 season with the "Early Bird Renewal Special". With just a $50, non-refundable deposit per seat for your 2013 season tickets, the Cardinals will give you one Replica World Series Ring per seat renewed. This unprecedented opportunity for "Early Bird" Season Ticket Holders is an addition to the pre-existing Rewards Program.

The other option is to participate in the Cardinals Youth Initiative. The Cardinals Youth Initiative will provide Springfield Cardinals Tickets for youth in the Ozarks who would otherwise be unable to attend a baseball game. Participation at the $50 level will provide 10 tickets to area youth and guarantee you a World Series Replica Ring. For each $50 paid, Season Ticket Holders will receive one Replica World Series Ring. Rings will be limited to the number of seats in your account.

While these programs are exclusive for Season Ticket Holders, all fans, including Season Ticket Holders, will have two more chances later in the summer as the Cardinals will be adding TWO MORE Replica Ring nights of 2,000 each.

Due to high demand and limited quantities of this championship item, we are asking Season Ticket Holders to choose only one of these programs. Rings for these programs will be available after July 16th and the deadline to sign up for the "Early Bird Renewal Special" or take part in the Cardinals Youth Initiative is June 20th. Both of these special opportunities are reserved only for Season Ticket Holders and are available while supplies last. Season Ticket Holders will be issued a ticket with details on how to claim their Replica Ring.

For more information, please call the Springfield Cardinals front office at (417) 863-0395.

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