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Play Ball Weekend Registration Now Open for Kids Ages 10-12

June 2, 2023

The crack of the bat, the cheers from the crowd, and the thrill of the game—baseball has captivated the hearts of young athletes for generations. For all those budding baseball enthusiasts, Saturday, June 10th is set to be an exciting day as Momentum Bank Ballpark opens its gates to host

The crack of the bat, the cheers from the crowd, and the thrill of the game—baseball has captivated the hearts of young athletes for generations. For all those budding baseball enthusiasts, Saturday, June 10th is set to be an exciting day as Momentum Bank Ballpark opens its gates to host a Play Ball Weekend baseball camp specifically designed for kids. This one-of-a-kind event promises to ignite passion, refine skills, and create unforgettable memories for all the young athletes stepping onto the field.

Momentum Bank Ballpark, known for hosting electrifying Midland RockHounds games and bringing the community together, is now dedicating a day to nurture the next generation of baseball stars. The baseball camp, scheduled for June 10th, aims to provide an exceptional opportunity for kids aged 10 to 12 to develop their skills, learn from experienced players, and experience the thrill of playing in a professional ballpark.

The baseball camp will include interactive training sessions, focusing primarily on hitting and fielding. Through engaging drills and personalized guidance, the young athletes will receive invaluable instruction to enhance their skills and foster their love for baseball.

In addition to the technical aspects, the camp will also emphasize the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and discipline. These valuable life lessons, instilled through the spirit of baseball, will empower the camp participants to become not only better players but also well-rounded individuals.

The baseball camp at Momentum Bank Ballpark aims to provide an immersive experience for all participants. The young athletes will have the unique opportunity to play on the same field that their favorite players grace during professional games. They will step up to the plate, feel the well-manicured grass beneath their feet, and soak in the atmosphere of the ballpark that echoes with the energy of past triumphs and future dreams.

Beyond the on-field action, the campers will be treated to a behind-the-scenes tour of Momentum Bank Ballpark. They will explore the dugouts and batting cages, gaining an exclusive glimpse into the world of professional baseball. Such experiences are sure to inspire the young athletes, fueling their aspirations and nurturing their dreams of a future in the sport.

Registration Details:

Registration for Play Ball Weekend is now open. Interested parents and guardians are encouraged to sign their child (ages 10-12 only) up through this link HERE. This camp is free of admission.

The first 200 kids through the gate will receive a free Franklin Bat and Ball set!

Check-in: 9:15PM

Camp: 10AM-12PM

Lunch: 12:30PM (provided by the Midland RockHounds staff)