A magical new festive show narrated by Matt Lucas: Witness Charles Dickens’ timeless Christmas classic come to life in the night sky in a captivating new animated drone light show featuring the voice of Matt Lucas.
The original Christmas classic joyously adapted for the sky. A Christmas Carol, the drone light show, presents the very latest in creative entertainment with a magical celebration of the Christmas spirit. Witness towering elements create famous characters from the iconic story and enjoy a heart-warming, narrated journey through the timeless tale of miserly Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas Eve, and his ghostly visitors who lead him to profound transformation.
Celestial is a global leader in the entertainment industry, using the latest innovative drone light technology to bring powerful stories to the skies. A UK-based collective of creative animators, filmmakers and tech specialists, Celestial creates pioneering drone art that inspires us to gaze up and reignite our relationship with the stars, our planet; and each other. Drone light shows also offer a safer and greener alternative to traditional firework displays.
We have multiple ticket options for you to choose from to make your night perfect for 2 or for a larger group!
- Baseline: Includes ticket to the Holiday Drone Show | $20
- Party Decks: Includes ticket to the Holiday Drone Show + Buffet | $55
- Flow Club Wings: Includes ticket to the Holiday Drone Show + Flow Club Buffet | $55
- Flow Club Drink Rails: Includes ticket to the Holiday Drone Show with rail seating + Flow Club Buffet | $60
- Flow Club Table: Includes 4 tickets to the Holiday Drone Show with 4-top table seating + Flow Club Buffet | $240 | SOLD OUT
- Deluxe Suite: Includes 14 tickets to the Holiday Drone Show + In-Suite Buffet + Meet & Greet with Ice Princess| $1000 | SOLD OUT
- Executive Suite: includes 28 tickets to the Holiday Drone Show + In-Suite Buffet + Meet & Greet with Ice Princess | $2000 | SOLD OUT
Upgrade your ticket for $10 for an Ice Princess meet & greet opportunity!
Please email [email protected] or call the Dash's Front Office at (336) 714-2287 with any questions about the drone light show, A Christmas Carol, powered by Celestial.