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High-A Affiliate
The Official Site of the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers Wisconsin Timber Rattlers

Neuroscience Group Field


2400 North Casaloma Drive
Appleton, WI 54912
PO Box 7464
Phone: (920) 733-4152


Phone: (920) 733-4152
Fax: (920) 733-8032


Built: 1995
Capacity: 5,900
Dimensions: 325L, 385LC, 400C, 405RC, 325R
League: TBD, High Class 'A'
Affiliation: Milwaukee Brewers

• Parking is $8 per car and $25 per bus or RV.
• The parking lot opens 2 1/2 hours before the first pitch (game time).
• The holding of any parking spaces is strictly prohibited.

• Tailgating is permitted at Timber Rattlers games.
• Coal pits are located in each parking lot for the safe disposal of grilling materials.
• Catering is strictly prohibited.
• For large groups, tailgate sections can be reserved. Must book in advance of game day.

• Gates open 100-minutes prior to the scheduled first pitch (game time).
• Bags are allowed and will be checked upon entry. No food, beverages, or weapons are allowed.
• Diaper bags and medical bags are allowed and will be checked upon entry.
• Strollers are allowed.
• Re-entry is allowed with a hand stamp by a gate usher.
• Children two years and under do not need a ticket provided they do not occupy a seat.
• Handicapped seating is available throughout the stadium on the concourse.


ANIMALS: No animals are allowed inside the gates, with the exception of service dogs with visible credentials.

AUTOGRAPHS: Fans may seek autographs from coaches and players prior to the game. Please do not ask players for autographs during the game as they are not permitted to sign them.

ATM: 2 ATMs are located inside the stadium. 1 on the concourse near the entry gate and 1 inside the stairwell leading up to the Fox Club.

BABY CHANGING / BREASTFEEDING: The Alba Birth Center Nursing Suite is located on the concourse behind home plate. This quiet and comfortable room has been set aside for moms to privately take care of their children. Chairs, a sink, and other restroom necessities are available.

CAMERA & VIDEO EQUIPMENT: Cameras and video equipment are permitted. No flash photography is allowed. Fans may not reproduce the game or interfere with other fans' enjoyment and view of the game.

EMERGENCY / FIRST AID: First Aid is located on the concourse in between the Snake Pit Team Store and third base concessions stand. In case of an emergency please contact an usher or Timber Rattlers' staff member. A Paramedic/EMT is on duty during every game. Emergency Services personnel are stationed around the ballpark in case of an emergency.

LOST AND FOUND: During games, fans may inquire about lost items at Fan Assistance located just inside the entry gate. For non-game inquiries, please call the front office (920) 733-4152 or email Office Manager [email protected]

RAIN: See the Seating Chart page for weather-related ticket information.

SMOKING: Cigarette, e-cigarettes, and vaporizer smoking are not permissible inside the stadium. Smoking is allowed outside the front gates.

WILL CALL: The Will Call window is for tickets that have already been paid for and can only be picked up by the person whose name is on the envelope, must also show a photo ID. This window is located at the Timber Rattlers box office.


"Our team will create the best entertainment experience in Wisconsin, so that every guest walks away with a smile and the desire to return." 

The Wisconsin Timber Rattlers bring people together to build lifelong memories through the impact of sports and entertainment. Our team has the opportunity and responsibility to positively impact our staff, players, fans, and community. We are dedicated to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within our organization and community.