The Show Before the Show: Episode 341
Check out the latest episodes of The Show Before the Show,'s official podcast. A segment rundown is listed below, in case you want to skip to a particular section. Like the podcast? Subscribe, rate and review "Minor League Baseball podcast" on iTunes. The podcast is also available via Spotify,
Check out the latest episodes of The Show Before the Show,'s official podcast. A segment rundown is listed below, in case you want to skip to a particular section. Like the podcast? Subscribe, rate and review "Minor League Baseball podcast" on iTunes. The podcast is also available via Spotify, Stitcher and other podcast-listening apps. Send questions or feedback to [email protected], and follow hosts Tyler Maun (@TylerMaun) and Sam Dykstra (@SamDykstraMiLB) on Twitter.
Intro (0:00)
Tyler, Sam and Ben open this week's podcast by reviewing the reaction to last week's Minor League Hat Draft and discussing the Toledo ballpark guide.
Jarrah Vella-Wright interview (18:42)
Chattanooga ticket partnership manager Jarrah Vella-Wright talks to the TSBTS crew about his journey from Australia to the Lookouts front office.
Ben's Bookshelf (42:14)
Ben talks to author Michael Lortz to review Lortz's novel Curveball at the Crossroads.
Ghosts of the Minors/Wrapping up (58:34)
Before the podcast comes to a close for another week, Josh Jackson hops back to it with another rousing edition of Ghosts of the Minors.