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Workout Tips From BlueClaws Strength & Conditioning Coach Bruce Peditto

April 6, 2020

Everyone may be stuck at home during the current pandemic, but you can still stay in shape! BlueClaws Strength & Conditioning Coach Bruce Peditto has put together some workouts for BlueClaws fans that can easily be completed at home!

Everyone may be stuck at home during the current pandemic, but you can still stay in shape! BlueClaws Strength & Conditioning Coach Bruce Peditto has put together some workouts for BlueClaws fans that can easily be completed at home!

Warm Up

High Knees (3 x 20 seconds) - Jog in place; make sure to bring your knees up to hip level.

Butt Kicks (3 x 20 seconds) - Jog in place; tap your butt with your heel.

Jumping Jacks (3 x 20 seconds) - Start by standing with your feet together. At the same time, jump and separate your feet and swing your arms around your body and up above your head.

Shoulder Tap Planks (3 x 20 seconds) - Start in a push-up position with your arm fully extended. Alternate touching the opposite shoulder with the opposing hand. Balance is key here.

Without Weights (Beginner - 3 rounds, Advanced - 5 rounds)

Bodyweight Squats (15, 25) - Start with legs hip width apart, squat down making sure your butt is back and your knees arent going forward past your toes; go back up.

Toe Touch Crunches (15, 20) - Lie on your back and point your legs to the ceiling. Swinging your arms toward the ceiling; as you do, lift your head and shoulder off the ground and touch your toes.

Yoga Push Ups (8, 15) - Go down like an ordinary pushup but on your way up, rock back on to your heels; extend shoulder blades fully.

Dead Bugs (20, 40) - Bring your arms straight above your head perpendicular to the ground along with your knees and hips both at 90-degree angles. Start by lowering the left arm and extending the right leg, both stopping just before touching the ground and then returning to your starting position.

Bottom Step - Step Up (10 each, 20 each) - Try this on a staircase. On the first stair, go right foot up, left foot up, right foot down, left foot down.

Russian Twists (20, 40) - Sitting on your butt, lift your legs up off the grown and interlock them. Twist side to side.

Glute Bridge (15, 25) - Lie face up on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. ... Lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line.

Supermans (10, 20) - Lie face down on a mat, with your legs straight and your arms outstretched in front of you. Raise your arms and legs simultaneously and hold.

Side Lunge (10 each, 15 each) - Stand and point toes in the same direction. Extend one leg out, leaving the other planted. Extend and lunge towards the outward leg.

Burpees (10, 20) - Start in push-up position. Go down, swing your legs inward towards your torso then get to your feet and jump, reaching your hands towards the sky.

With Weights (Beginner - 2 rounds, Advanced - 4 rounds)

Goblet Squats (15, 25) - Holding a weight with both hands in the middle of your chest, squat down, imagining there is a small chair. Up and down = one rep.

Weighted Crunches (10, 20) - Lay on your back with your knees bent up, feet flat. Keeping your butt on the ground, lift your chest to your knees without hands. Hold onto a weight with both hands.

Push Ups (10-20, 20-30) - Put both hands and toes on the ground, holding your body off the ground. Hands flat, lower your chest to the ground, then push it back upwards. Add weight on your back by balancing or even a backpack.

Dead Bugs (20, 40) - Bring your arms straight above your head perpendicular to the ground along with your knees and hips both at 90-degree angles start by lowering the left arm and extending the right leg. Both stopping just before touching the ground and then returning to your starting. Add weights in each hand.

Reverse Lunge (10 each, 20 each) - Stand upright, hands at your hips. Take a large step backwards with your left foot.Lower your hips so that your right thigh (front leg) becomes parallel to the floor with your right knee positioned directly over your ankle.

Kneeling Single Arm Shoulder Press (10 each, 20 each) - Start with your left foot on the ground (knee bent up), right knee on ground. Hold the weight with your left hand and lift straight up. Repeat with another hand.

Renegade Rows (10 each, 20 each) - Get in a push-up position and lock elbows upwards. Instead of having your hands on the ground, hold yourself up using the weights. Now lift one weight up and pull it towards your chest. Alternate and repeat.

Bicep Curls (15, 30) - Stand straight up, feet waist width apart. Put weight in one hand and curl, try to keep your elbow as straight as possible.

Overhead Tricep Press (20, 40) - Stand straight up and hold a weight behind your head with both hands. Now push the weight towards the sky and then ease it back down into the starting position.

Burpees (10, 20) - Start in pushup position. Go down, swing your legs inward towards your torso then get to your feet and jump, reaching your hands towards the sky. Add weights to each hand.

Finisher (Beginner - 2 rounds, Advanced - 3 rounds)

Plank (20 sec, 30 sec) - Start by resting your forearms flat on the floor. Now extend your legs and tuck your toes. Hold yourself up; this will activate your core.

Side Plank (10 sec each, 15 sec each) - Connect your elbow and floor directly under your shoulder. Keep your knees on the ground and stack your legs. Now fully extend your legs out and lift your hips up as high as you can and hold.

Walking Lunge (10 each, 15 each) - One leg steps forward. Keep the heel of the forward leg down. Lower torso until back knee touches the floor.Forward leg shin remains relatively vertical.
