Register for 2024 Cyclones Baseball Camp
- To Register for 2024 Brooklyn Cyclones Baseball Camp -- CLICK HERE The Cyclones Kids Camp will return for the 2024 season to give the next generation of baseball stars the chance to learn the fundamentals of baseball with an emphasis on FUN. This year we will have two sessions:
- To Register for 2024 Brooklyn Cyclones Baseball Camp -- CLICK HERE
The Cyclones Kids Camp will return for the 2024 season to give the next generation of baseball stars the chance to learn the fundamentals of baseball with an emphasis on FUN. This year we will have two sessions:
Session One (July 23, July 25, July 26) open to those 11-14 years of age
Session Two (August 7 - August 9) open to those 7-10 years of age
Please Note: Session One will have instruction on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday + FREE Tickets for the Wednesday game at 12:00 PM. If you register for either camp prior to February 15th, you'll receive a $25 credit good for food, beverage or merchandise at Maimonides Park. ALSO - JULY 24th IS NOT CONSIDERED A CAMP DAY, SO CHILDREN WILL NEED TO BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT FOR THE GAME. GATES WILL OPEN AT 11 AM.
The registration fee is $210. Camp will start at 9:30 AM (Dropoff Between 9 - 9:30 AM) and run until Noon with lunch served for campers between 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM daily. Campers will be released at 12:30 PM.
Campers will be broken up into groups based on their age and will be working with our Cyclones players, coaches and staff members and learn the fundamentals of hitting, pitching, and fielding.
What’s included with Session One? Camp t-shirt, Cyclones hat, daily lunch. Session One will receive 4 tickets to the Cyclones Day Game on Wednesday, July 24th @ 12:00 PM + tickets for Friday, July 26th @ 7:00 PM when campers will take the field as part of our Field of Dreams when the Cyclones take the field.
What’s included with Session Two? Camp t-shirt, Cyclones hat, daily lunch. Session One will receive 4 tickets to the Cyclones Day Game on Wednesday, July 24th @ 12:00 PM + tickets for Friday, August 9th @ 7:00 PM when campers will take the field as part of our Field of Dreams when the Cyclones take the field.
Weather – Camp goes on rain or shine. In the event of rain, campers will be taken inside to learn about the history of baseball and will have a question-and-answer session with our players and coaches. They will also spend time in our batting cages.
For questions call or text 718 - 372 - 5596.